Fall Update  

Posted by Jake

I've been reprimanded for not posting anything new in a while (so if you are reading Shawna, here is something to read while you are resting after the delivery of your new one). Hope everyone had an awesome time this summer.

Summer seems to finally be over down here (couple months late again). Steamy hotness has given way to torrential downpours and cooler days too. We don't get much of a chance to do posts on Grayson mainly because as he gets older he gets more interested in the computer. So taking it out in the daytime is asking for trouble. Here, he wants to type something a;lkdjga;lkhbajhbfpiah[iqwhetgoi;lk. That's "Hi" in 18-month-old typing.

His vocabulary his growing every day but his favorite word is still "ball". He's getting pretty big too. He measured 33" and 25lbs at his checkup this week. The hair is still slow to come but showing signs of growth.

As far as playtime goes Grayson is mainly into 2 things: wrestling and playing in the dirt. Plain and simple. Give him a box of toys and he's busy for 30 minutes. Give him a bucket of mud and you are done for the day. I've taught him a couple tackling techniques too. He's only supposed to use them on daddy but we've already seen a couple de-cleaters on his cousins and at playgroup so I think I need to teach him to listen for the whistle now.

Here's a few new pictures too. We got a new camera recently and Georgia has done some really great shooting with it so enjoy.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 6:19 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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